Museum of 29k

Museum of 29k is an imaginary space consisted of blog posts, each acts as a guide that journeys us through selected piece of art, history or culture from around the world.

The name “Museum of 29k” is the culmination of my two passions – as an art history graduate and jewellery designer. In the jewellery industry, karat is the basic unit used to measure gold purity. What we often refer to as 24k gold is equivalent to that of 100 percent gold or pure gold. “29 karat” simply does not exist but is being used here because 29 has always been my lucky number. Proposing a karat higher than standard also implies that I am in pursuit of something greater, unique & beyond.

I aspire to transform visitors to the Museum of 29k the way that my personal encounter with art and cultural diversity have done to me. Allow me to share with you my stories recorded here, at the Museum of 29k, in precious metal and gemstones.

12 December 2016